
Our day begins at 5:00 a.m. calling us to rise and come to praise the Lord.

5:40  Morning Prayer

6:00  Private Prayer

7:00   Mid-morning Prayer

7:30  Holy Mass

8:15  Breakfast

8:30  Spiritual Reading

9:30  Work Period or Formation Class

10:50 Rosary

11:15 Mid-day Prayer

11:30 Dinner and Dishes

12:30 Recreation

1:30  Work Period

3:00  Mid-afternoon Prayer/Prayers for the Dying

3:30  Work Period or Formation Class

4:30   Evening Prayer

5:00  Private Prayer

6:00  Supper and Dishes

6:45  Evening Recreation

7:30  Office of Readings

8:00  Night Prayer

8:15  Benediction

10:00 Retire