We invite you to join us for our annual Solemn Novena in honor of Saint Joseph.
March 11 – 19, 2024
Daily Mass: 7:30a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30a.m.
Rosary and Benediction each evening at 7:50.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed daily for Eucharistic Adoration after Mass until Benediction. The Chapel is open to the public during those times.
St. Joseph, faithful adorer of the Christ.
During this time of Eucharistic Revival in our country, we invite you to join us for the Solemn Novena in honor of St. Joseph, Adorer of Christ. We would like to share with you a quotation from the Month of St. Joseph by St. Peter Julian Eymard.
Saint Joseph was the first adorer. Although he never adored our Lord under the Eucharistic species and never had the happiness of communicating, he did possess and adore Jesus in human form.
Saint Joseph knew our Lord more thoroughly than did all the saints together; he lived for him alone. In that lies his special glory, the keynote of his sanctity. In that, above all, he is our model, and in that too, does his incomparable greatness consist.
When we see how close Joseph came to Jesus, how thoroughly he was transformed into him, we grasp his true greatness, his real sanctity. We find in him the perfect adorer, entirely consecrated to Jesus, working always near Jesus, giving Jesus his virtues, his time, his very life; it is thus that he is our model and our inspiration. …
[St. Joseph] pierced the rough garments the child wore, until his faith touched the Sacred Heart. In profound adoration he united himself to the special grace of each one of the events in the life of Jesus. Have confidence, strong confidence in him. Take him as the patron and the model of your life of adoration.
Remember, O most amiable, most benevolent, most kind and
most merciful father, St. Joseph, that the great St. Teresa assures us
that she never had recourse to your protection without obtaining relief.
Animated with the same confidence, O dear St. Joseph, I come to you,
and, groaning under the heavy burden of my many sins, I prostrate myself at your feet.
O most compassionate father, do not, I ask you, reject my poor and miserable prayers
but graciously hear and answer my petitions. Amen.