“An oratory should be built as conveniently as possible among the cells, where, if it can be done without difficulty, you are to gather each morning to participate in the celebration of Mass.” Rule of St. Albert #12
The Rule calls on Carmelites to share daily in the Eucharist. It evokes the apostles gathered in prayer and Mary in the midst of them. In celebrating the Eucharist daily in the Chapel, Carmelites recall the death and resurrection of Jesus.
In founding her monasteries, St. Teresa never thought that a Carmel had been founded until Jesus in the Eucharist was solemnly placed in the tabernacle. How blest we are at this Carmel of St. Joseph where Our Lord, truly present, body and soul in the Eucharist, abides with us day in and day out. Our Constitutions state, “At the heart of the community life is the abiding Eucharistic Presence of Christ, whom Holy Mother Teresa calls, ‘our Companion in the Most Holy Sacrament.’ ” The Eucharistic Presence of Christ fosters union with Him and sustains Teresian prayer for the Church.”
In 1959 then Cardinal Ritter asked our Carmel and the other contemplative monasteries to open their doors to the public. Ever since we have had daily Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. That was the beginning of the Legion of One Thousand-West which continues until this day. Faithful women and men come at least once a week to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist. Countless friends of Our Lord have found a closer relationship with Him through adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Church calls upon us to make the Eucharist the center of our life, the treasure of our hearts, the pledge of the fulfillment for which our hearts long, the love that can quench the thirst of the restless heart, the strength for our journey, the nourishment of our lives, the light in our dark valleys, the love that conquers our hearts and leads us to choose in all things what is true, what is good, and what is beautiful! As the sun goes down each evening, we gather for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament where Jesus gives us His blessing, and we thank and praise Him for yet another day.
O, Sacrament most holy,
O, Sacrament divine,
All Praise and all Thanksgiving
Be every moment thine!